Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Not updating my blog in a month is sort of an epic fail for me. I know I’ll do better in the New Year though because I am taking a technology class for grad school where they make you start a blog and do blog posts. I’m already one step ahead on that assignment and one step ahead on my first new year’s resolution. (See list below.)

Sometimes I make New Year’s resolutions and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I actually stick with them past February and sometimes I don’t. Resolutions, in my opinion, should be made all the time. I never want to stop growing and improving. None of us are perfect (the last time I checked I wasn’t Jesus either) and we should always shoot for self-improvements. So my 2011 resolutions are as follows…

  1. Update my blog every three weeks. Another one that goes along with this one is that I want to do something interesting every three weeks so I have something fun to blog about.
  2. I want to more faithfully attend my Monday night bible study. We are studying Revelations right now, which is both scary and enlightening. I get to see people I don’t normally hang out with during the week or on weekends. Also, this is a small chunk of time during (generally) the worst day of my week that I can totally dedicate to the Lord, which is the most important reason of all to go.
  3. I want to seriously limit my gluten intake. I gave up gluten this summer for about three months, then started eating it again when the school year got really busy and I had to eat more meals on the go. It makes me feel so much lighter when I don’t eat gluten, plus it’s a much healthier way to eat. I’m shooting for only one meal a day with gluten in it.
  4. I want to spend more time outdoors. I haven’t worked out the logistics of this one yet, but I know it’s going to be fun and that I’ll be using more sunscreen than I did in 2010.

Happy 2011 everyone! Love, Amy

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