Monday, January 17, 2011

New Years Update

Here is an update on my New Year's resolutions…

1. Update my blog every three weeks... Check!

2. Attend my Monday night bible study regularly. Check! Not only have I gone and actively participated for the past three weeks, I have been doing so well with my daily bible study I started on my own. I'm doing a study called "Lady in Waiting" which is about how women often spend our time waiting for things to happen in our life. We wait for the job, the career, the guy, and the children (etc.) instead of living in the moment and appreciating the blessings God has given us now. I don't want to always feel like I'm just looking ahead to what’s next, and this bible study is helping me do that!

3. Limiting my gluten intake. Ehhh… no so much on this one. It is super hard to eat no gluten during the week when I have almost zero time to prepare meals. I have all sorts of other excuses prepared as to why I haven’t done this one, if anyone is interested. J

4. Spending more time outdoors. My first outdoor adventure was playing Frisbee golf with my friends the Sellers family. It was super fun and great exercise. (Since I got super excited while we were playing, and ran to every hole.) I also got some exercise in when Austin’s Frisbee fell into this nasty pond and I had to wade out in the muck to get it. When I say fell in, I mean Hallie threw it in. Twice. Here is a picture of me rescuing the first frisbee on my outdoors adventure….

Altogether, I feel like I am getting back in to some good habits for the new year. I feel like I am being so much more conscious in how I spend my time i.e. first for the glory of God and therefore to the betterment of myself. Go me!    

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