Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Paris Update!

So I had a meeting about my Paris trip this week and it was all good news! Our hotel, and there is only one this time as we are staying the whole week in the same spot instead of travelling around, is amazing! I'm super excited that the bathroom has a shower curtain in it. This is a big step up from the place we stayed at in Montecatini Terme (close to Florence), which did not.

The best news came in the form of our departure and return information. We fly out of ABIA and JFK in New York at completely reasonable hours- it's amazing! We don't leave until 10am and get back at 7pm at night. This is awesome because we have to be at ariports hours ahead of time these days. I'm also hoping the jet lag will not be my arch nemesis this time around. I was completely knocked off my feet for a whole week the last time I flew, which is the thing I am looking forward to the least about this trip. (Really the only thing I am not looking forward to!)

Check out our hotel at...


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