Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Normally Thanksgiving is a small affair for us, just my mom, dad, sister, brother, sister-in-law, and me. This year my grandmother decided she wanted to host a big lunch at her house in Marble Falls. I almost didn’t make it as I was fighting a hellacious pink eye infection in both eyes for most of this week. (I blame my P.E. kids as at least 3 out of the 550 students who always seem to have it at any given time.) My eyesight completely blurred out for two whole days, which was obnoxious and really unsettling! I would have a super hard time being blind as I just love to read way too much. I was so bored those two days and missing Carolina, my Kindle, so much! Afterwards, I felt lame about that but also truly grateful that this Thanksgiving I am in fact relatively healthy and am blessed in so many other ways. So for a change we all went to my grandmother’s. There were lots of family members there that I hadn’t seen in awhile and also a few random people who I could swear I’ve never met before. I don’t really understand how they got there- to this family only gathering, but there they were. So weird! Anyways, this year I have decided that I am thankful for being over the pink eye (finally!), my immediate family and parts of my extended family J, my AMAZING God and the fact that He always wants to be close to me, and for the fact that it’s BLACK FRIDAY tomorrow! J Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

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