Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Warning: Graphic Tonsil Information Ahead!

I seriously did not think I would feel up to this already, but if it weren’t for the two gaping holes at the back of my throat, I would think that I didn’t even have my tonsils out today! And no, I’m not currently on any medication other than liquid Motrin, and only an appropriate amount. As cool as I thought it would be to just drink out of the bottle with a crazy straw, my mom is old-fashioned, against gratuitous drug use, and wouldn’t let me.  So here’s how it went just in case you were wondering.
When I checked in the center (Austin Surgicare), the woman behind the desk was really impressed that I had already filled out all the appropriate paperwork and had all of my cards ready to go and stuff. When I informed her, “This is not my first rodeo.” She laughed and asked, “Oh have you had surgery before?” It’s always fun to watch their reaction when I say, “Yeah, eight!” It’s like an expression of disbelief and then a lot of squinting as they examine my face to see how old I actually am.
I had a cool surprise waiting for me when I got there. My grandfather showed up! My mom’s dad is 85 and not in the best shape of his life. When I was little he went to as many activities of mine and Hallie’s and Jacob’s as he possibly could but as he’s gotten older it’s gotten harder for him. Example: He came to my graduation party but wasn’t able to stay for the actual graduation part due to bleachers and climbing and probably the fact that graduation is pure torture, even if it’s your own.  He lives in South Austin (close to where we were today) which is why I think he was able to make it. It was really cool to walk in and see him there waiting for me and we got to chat for awhile before I went back.
Anyways, the surgery went great. It was really fast- i.e. only about twenty minutes  my doctor estimated thirty. Dr. Yium had just come back from vacation and he said he was well rested and relaxed. I took this as a good sign and prayed that he was but had left the hang loose island mentality back on his vacation. The hospital was running slightly behind so we did have to wait for a tiny bit. Nothing like Hallie’s ten hour waiting saga we went through for her surgery though so I’m really not complaining.
There was a young girl across the hall from me who was nervous so they gave her some “happy juice” as one of the nurses called it before she went in. She was HIGH as a kite and super hilarious. I didn’t realize it was surgery and a show but the hospital definitely provided!  When the girl left to go have surgery it only went downhill from there. They replaced her with a guy who only spoke Spanish and was getting a colonoscopy. I know enough Spanish and enough about the procedure to almost completely understand what they were talking about. It was not good. I gave him two thumbs way down.
I managed to spend the time I was waiting around well, and I kept very busy harassing the nurses over my IV. When my first nurse Ann put it in she placed it too far forward in my hand which prevented it from dripping correctly. She moved it back but when the numbing shot started to wear off it still felt like it was way pushed into my hand and really hurt! I had my mom track down a nurse to tell them it was bothering me. When the nurses (she found two) came in, they examined my arm and then tried to talk me out of it by saying, “Well, stop holding your hand funny. Just relax, it’s an IV!” When I informed Nurse Snooty that this was actually how I normally hold my hand she then tried to tell me that it was because the solution going into to my hand was colder that the inside of me. I told her that I knew that but what was bothering me was the tube part. The nurses replied with, “Well nothing we do to you today is going to feel good.” I had many replies for this but the one I went with was, “Oh no worries, I suddenly feel totally fine!”  My mom got a little mad at this later, I’m assuming because she’s much nicer and classier than me, but I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to say. It was obvious to me that the nurses weren’t going to fix it for me, so I just went for obviously fake reassurance so they could go back to their jobs.
One of the nurses, and I will refer to her from here on out as Nurse Snooty, came in later to chat with me as I think she could tell how ticked off I was. Her idea of conversation was asking me where I work. When I told her that I work for a school which is part of the reason why I’m having the surgery today and when I told her that I was looking for a teaching job and working as an aide, her idea of pleasant conversation was to tell me all about her daughter who just got a job teaching at a school that I worked at in college. Her exact words were, “It just worked out so perfectly for her.” From that moment on Nurse Snooty was dead to me.
So now I’m home and restricted to cold soft foods, even though all I want it something hot. I took a short nap and I haven’t really been in any pain at all. My throat was sore after waking up from the surgery but that was it. The nurse (a different and much nicer one this time) and my mom kept trying to talk me into taking my liquid pain medication but I hate the way it makes me feel so I’m just going to go for the Motrin. It’s currently more than enough and I feel almost totally fine. I can tell, and actually see, that my throat is incredibly swollen and I can also tell that my body is still trying to fight the effects of anesthesia. I hope I don’t have a miserable night! I usually get pretty nauseous from them anesthesia and I know that’s where the fun stops for everyone at the Taylor house. J    
Thank you everyone for the prayers! I felt super protected at the hospital and not anxious or worried at all. Now I just feel super happy and blessed that God answered mine and everyone else’s prayers that they made for me. He is GOOD and Jesus really is the ultimate healer! I’m praying for and looking forward to Him doing some more work on me. Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Paris est toujours une bonne idée.

“America is my country and Paris is my hometown”. –Gertrude Stein
Let’s just be honest… France was incredible! There’s no place like Paris anywhere else on earth, no matter what Paris, Texas says.  The culture was fantastic and everything is so deliciously old. Everywhere you look there is some sort of architectural display of character and flair. It’s impossible to accurately describe what the city is like as it’s hard to believe it even when you standing in the middle of the Champs-Élysées staring around at it all.
“Paris is always a good idea”. –The movie, Sabrina
Some of the things we saw that were absolutely incredible were:
The Eifel Tower- Duh! This one is actually surprising as I went in with extremely low expectations. I kept thinking, oh it’s not going to be that big and it’s a gigantic hunk of metal, and how nice could it be? Yeah… it’s HUGE! And the iron is so intricate and delicate looking. We went up the tower (in several elevators) at night, which was one of my favorite experiences. The whole thing glows starting at 8pm and then every hour for ten minutes it sparkles. Yep… sparkles!!! From the top it’s amazingly apparent that Paris is the city of lights.
I would not want to know what that electric bill is like...

Notre Dame- This was probably my favorite because I love old churches and also because Hallie and I decided to pay 6 Euros to climb up to the top of the bell tower a la Quasimodo. This was a great decision though we nearly froze in the endeavor. (It was the only day that measured in at -6 degrees. And that’s Celsius by the way.) The gargoyles were so much cuter in person and if you’re careful about who is watching, they let you touch them!
Here is my gargoyle friend…

“I like Frenchmen very much, because even when they insult you they do it so nicely”. -Josephine Baker
This is the question I get asked the most about France… are the Frenchmen as rude as everyone says? The answer is both yes and no. Hallie and I experienced this several times, though not as much as we expected. When you consider that Paris is the most visited city in the world as has 30 million people (I swear mostly American and Chinese) clogging up its streets a year, we both agreed that they should have been much meaner than they were.
The trick to speaking to a Parisian is to start very softly. Say something, or at least attempt to say anything really in French. As the Parisian is chuckling at you, quickly interject whatever it is you want in English and hope that they think you are so cute and uncultured that they’ll answer you right away. Don’t assume that everyone speaks French and if it’s not looking good- get out of there immediately and move on to someone else who looks more bilingual! (There is actually a certain “bilingual” look, in case you were wondering.)
More later about the food and other amazing sights I visited. Au revoir chéri!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Paris Update!

So I had a meeting about my Paris trip this week and it was all good news! Our hotel, and there is only one this time as we are staying the whole week in the same spot instead of travelling around, is amazing! I'm super excited that the bathroom has a shower curtain in it. This is a big step up from the place we stayed at in Montecatini Terme (close to Florence), which did not.

The best news came in the form of our departure and return information. We fly out of ABIA and JFK in New York at completely reasonable hours- it's amazing! We don't leave until 10am and get back at 7pm at night. This is awesome because we have to be at ariports hours ahead of time these days. I'm also hoping the jet lag will not be my arch nemesis this time around. I was completely knocked off my feet for a whole week the last time I flew, which is the thing I am looking forward to the least about this trip. (Really the only thing I am not looking forward to!)

Check out our hotel at...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Frisbee Golf

So in keeping with my new year's resolution of doing more things outside, I recently went to play disc golf with my friends Terri and Casey. I had never played before but it’s kind of a big thing with my college aged friends so I thought I should give it a go. They just built a new park in Marble Falls with a disc golf course so we didn’t have to go very far. Terri taught Hallie and I the rules and then proceeded to totally dominate over us. She is a fierce player!

Hallie was the absolute worst at it. (This is just stating the facts.) It’s ok for me to say this because during the game she managed somehow to throw her Frisbee (that we borrowed from Austin) into this disgusting water twice! Guess who had to fish it out for her?

Luckily, I managed to rescue the frisbee twice!

That part of the experience is not something I want to repeat for a third time, but the Frisbee golf was so fun! I didn’t play that badly for my first time. I actually hit par on a few holes! Let me know if you want to play sometime. J

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Years Update

Here is an update on my New Year's resolutions…

1. Update my blog every three weeks... Check!

2. Attend my Monday night bible study regularly. Check! Not only have I gone and actively participated for the past three weeks, I have been doing so well with my daily bible study I started on my own. I'm doing a study called "Lady in Waiting" which is about how women often spend our time waiting for things to happen in our life. We wait for the job, the career, the guy, and the children (etc.) instead of living in the moment and appreciating the blessings God has given us now. I don't want to always feel like I'm just looking ahead to what’s next, and this bible study is helping me do that!

3. Limiting my gluten intake. Ehhh… no so much on this one. It is super hard to eat no gluten during the week when I have almost zero time to prepare meals. I have all sorts of other excuses prepared as to why I haven’t done this one, if anyone is interested. J

4. Spending more time outdoors. My first outdoor adventure was playing Frisbee golf with my friends the Sellers family. It was super fun and great exercise. (Since I got super excited while we were playing, and ran to every hole.) I also got some exercise in when Austin’s Frisbee fell into this nasty pond and I had to wade out in the muck to get it. When I say fell in, I mean Hallie threw it in. Twice. Here is a picture of me rescuing the first frisbee on my outdoors adventure….

Altogether, I feel like I am getting back in to some good habits for the new year. I feel like I am being so much more conscious in how I spend my time i.e. first for the glory of God and therefore to the betterment of myself. Go me!    

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Not updating my blog in a month is sort of an epic fail for me. I know I’ll do better in the New Year though because I am taking a technology class for grad school where they make you start a blog and do blog posts. I’m already one step ahead on that assignment and one step ahead on my first new year’s resolution. (See list below.)

Sometimes I make New Year’s resolutions and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I actually stick with them past February and sometimes I don’t. Resolutions, in my opinion, should be made all the time. I never want to stop growing and improving. None of us are perfect (the last time I checked I wasn’t Jesus either) and we should always shoot for self-improvements. So my 2011 resolutions are as follows…

  1. Update my blog every three weeks. Another one that goes along with this one is that I want to do something interesting every three weeks so I have something fun to blog about.
  2. I want to more faithfully attend my Monday night bible study. We are studying Revelations right now, which is both scary and enlightening. I get to see people I don’t normally hang out with during the week or on weekends. Also, this is a small chunk of time during (generally) the worst day of my week that I can totally dedicate to the Lord, which is the most important reason of all to go.
  3. I want to seriously limit my gluten intake. I gave up gluten this summer for about three months, then started eating it again when the school year got really busy and I had to eat more meals on the go. It makes me feel so much lighter when I don’t eat gluten, plus it’s a much healthier way to eat. I’m shooting for only one meal a day with gluten in it.
  4. I want to spend more time outdoors. I haven’t worked out the logistics of this one yet, but I know it’s going to be fun and that I’ll be using more sunscreen than I did in 2010.

Happy 2011 everyone! Love, Amy

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Normally Thanksgiving is a small affair for us, just my mom, dad, sister, brother, sister-in-law, and me. This year my grandmother decided she wanted to host a big lunch at her house in Marble Falls. I almost didn’t make it as I was fighting a hellacious pink eye infection in both eyes for most of this week. (I blame my P.E. kids as at least 3 out of the 550 students who always seem to have it at any given time.) My eyesight completely blurred out for two whole days, which was obnoxious and really unsettling! I would have a super hard time being blind as I just love to read way too much. I was so bored those two days and missing Carolina, my Kindle, so much! Afterwards, I felt lame about that but also truly grateful that this Thanksgiving I am in fact relatively healthy and am blessed in so many other ways. So for a change we all went to my grandmother’s. There were lots of family members there that I hadn’t seen in awhile and also a few random people who I could swear I’ve never met before. I don’t really understand how they got there- to this family only gathering, but there they were. So weird! Anyways, this year I have decided that I am thankful for being over the pink eye (finally!), my immediate family and parts of my extended family J, my AMAZING God and the fact that He always wants to be close to me, and for the fact that it’s BLACK FRIDAY tomorrow! J Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1