In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
Proverbs 16:9 is one of my favorite verses, and one that is especially poignant right now. Every time I read that verse out of Proverbs, I always hear God saying, "Hey! Those desires in your heart? I know what they are and it's ok to have them!" I could have made an amazing Catholic because I do the Christian guilt thing really well. (Sorry in advance to my Catholic friends!) I feel guilty all the time when I want things that are more than what I need. (This is in spite of knowing that God has plans for me to proper.) These desires I have must come from somewhere- so why would they not be from God? As soon as I think that, I hear the same old argument in my head- well, what about worldly desires? My answer (to myself) is this...
Proverbs 16:9 is not an excuse to do what you want with your life and just expect that God will make everything turn out all right, or even turn out for the betterment of his kingdom. This verse is a call to have the number one desire of your heart be the furtherance of His will, the giving of His glory, and the walking of His path. With these conditions met, He will surely direct your steps.
There are lots of things that I want to do in my life. Many of these things are scary and will require a huge leap of faith on my part. There are things that I know am not ready for: emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc, and yet I yearn for them. It scares me to think that I may not fulfill some of the things I want to do and experience. I feel like I'm at a cross roads in my life right now. The choices I make in the very near future will determine the rest of my life, and that is scary! There is something that soothes that fear though, and I feel it every time I read Proverbs 16:9. Never have I been so glad that God gives me desires in my heart and ever have I been so grateful that God promises He will be the one to direct my steps!
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