Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween :)

Happy Halloween everyone! I pretty much spent my whole weekend finishing a huge research paper on the Library of Congress for my graduate class. So basically I had oodles of fun. I did almost eat my body weight in Smarties candy. (Extremely hard to do as they are a very light weight candy.) Here's a video of a super cool Halloween costume I saw on the news.

Have a scary night!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Grand Canyon

My family and I travelled all over New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado (in that order) the summer before last and it was a fantastic trip for several reasons. I'd been to the Grand Canyon when I was smaller but had a hard time remembering it. We decided to go back to take Hallie this time and also to visit the North Rim, which we had heard was awesome too. (And it was!) The Arizona 09 trip also made the Taylor Family "vacation hall of fame/shame". (The trip ended with my dad throwing out his back and us rushing back to Texas right before we were going to take a Jeep up the side of a mountain. We never made it up but had to pay for the jeep rental and an expensive back surgery anyways.)

Anyways, the cool thing about the Grand Canyon is its surreal-ness. It doesn't look real even when you are standing right in front of it. The whole time I was there I felt like I could reach out and touch the screen that must be projecting the picture out front of me. It was so huge and out of this world it had to be an image rather than real. Trying to look at the Canyon and comprehend how massive and intricate it was made me feel sort of like those people in the bible (I'm thinking of Moses, but there had to be more) who tried to look directly at God. They weren't able to comprehend just who He is and how awesome He can be and neither can I! It was an incredible experience and number #6 on my list of awesome life moments. It made me feel so small and insignificant, but in the best and most humbling way. :) Lesson learned... God is definitely GREAT!

Friday, October 15, 2010


To celebrate the advent of my fantastic new job, I bought myself a new BFF: Carolina. Carolina is my new Kindle, an electronic reading device from Since I'm home sick on a gorgeous October Friday night, I finally have the time to pen a love-blog to my favorite new piece of technology. I decided to purchase Carolina after a homework assignment I had to do for the cataloging class I am taking right now. If you have no idea what’s going on in my life right now, I’m in grad school at UNT so I can become a children’s librarian. And yes, cataloging is the worst idea for a class ever, and yes I thoroughly despise it. The best thing to come out of cataloging 101 was an article review I had to do on modern technology relating to the library. I chose to read an article on electronic readers, and from then on I pretty much had to have one! The new job gave me a great excuse to get a Kindle and Carolina is so incredibly cool! The new generation Kindles have free 3G so you can buy and download books everywhere. I also figured out how to check my email on it and it works globally so I can take it with me to Paris this spring. Super excited about that! I already got a bunch of free books from and the not so free ones are still really cheap to buy and download. Check it out on the website if you are interested in getting one. I love my new toy!

Here is a picture of Carolina the Kindle. I bought a cool “skin” to go over her, so now she looks like a mini-library.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

New job!

I have seriously been neglecting my blog lately because I have much more important things to be doing- namely, my new job! I have been trying to get in with any school district since I graduated from Texas State last December and FINALLY a position became available last week and I got it! I am, as of Monday this week, the new P.E. aide at Marble Falls Elementary. This is incredibly exciting for me for several reasons...

(In no particular order)

#1 I can now get in to all home football games for FREE! This is a raise in itself as I was paying $7 each week to watch Hallie in the half time show. (Have yet to really watch any of the actual game.) Go Mustangs!

#2 I can get into the football games using my new employee badge! This is the thing I was most excited to get. It's super shiny, has my picture (which I made the guy retake about 7 times before he could print it), and is the most lovely shade of purple.

#3 I have to start paying for my own insurance now. This is not a perk at all, but does make me feel so grown up, in a broke sort of way.

#4 I am getting super skinny and in shape doing P.E. all day. Downside... I have weirdo tan lines and they will get much worse as we go outside more to jog.  

As you can clearly see the pros vastly outweigh the teeny tiny “cons”. I am so happy to be "in" with the district and with my new job! Here is a picture of my brand-spanking-new badge I get to wear every day.